Liugui Afforestation

Liugui Afforestation

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Liugui Afforestation

As low as €10.00 /tCO₂e
Community tree planting to convert a wasteland into a thriving forest
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Project Overview

South China’s Karst region is known for its wild landscapes, rich biodiversity and traditional rural villages. Despite this idyllic image, life for local people can be tough; rocky desertification is creeping across the area, in part driven by deforestation, making it near impossible to grow crops. Many local families live in precarious conditions, so they decided to take action and restore their land.

Solution Description

The barren rocky land being planted with trees belongs to the villagers, with the village committees managing it on their behalf. Many community meetings were held throughout the project design and implementation to ensure that everyone who wanted could voice an opinion. The tree species were carefully selected to have the highest chance of survival on the inhospitable land, among them: Pine, China fir and Cypress; they are fast-growing, shallow rooting and adaptable to the local soil.

Sustainable Development Goals

4 - Quality Education

30,000+ people

have gained new tree planting knowledge and skills

5 - Gender Equality

19,000+ women

expected to be employed full time

8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth

30,000+ people

expected to be employed full time

13 - Climate Action

878,000 tonnes of CO2e

sequestered on average each year

15 - Life on Land

33,000 hectares of degraded land

replanted thanks to the project


As well as sequestering carbon as the trees grow, the forest will provide further benefits for the environment and the local community. The project increases the connectivity of forests, which is critical for wildlife to thrive and the tree roots stabilise the soil as they grow, preventing erosion and mudslides and desertification. With the improved soil and water quality, families can once again grow crops either to feed themselves or sell. The project also directly creates stable and well-paid jobs and training opportunities, including technical knowledge that can lead to a significant rise in prospects, particularly for young people living in the area.

Project Information

Project Name
VCS2387 Liugui Afforestation Project
Solution Type
Afforestation, Reforestation Revegetation (ARR)
Large scale
Sectoral Scope
Agriculture Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU)


In carbon credits, a "vintage" indicates the year a specific amount of CO2 (measured in tonnes) was successfully reduced or removed from the atmosphere.

966.8 tCO2e