Linshu biogas recovery

Linshu biogas recovery

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Linshu biogas recovery

As low as €6.00 /tCO₂e
Transforming harmful greenhouse gas emissions into green energy
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Project Overview

In China's manufacturing sector, wastewater from production activities is often stored in open lagoons which, due to anaerobic reactions, leads to the release of large amounts of methane. Methane, as a GHG, is significantly more potent than CO2 and by trapping heat is estimated to be responsible for ≈25% of global warming. Finding innovative solutions to deal with manufacturing wastewater is crucial in tackling climate breakdown and maintaining the health of global ecosystems.

Solution Description

By capturing gas from wastewater lagoons and converting it into electricity, the Linshu project, located in the Eastern  Shandong Province of China, reduces business-as-usual emissions from entering the environment by converting it into renewable electricity. This electricity is then fed back into the industrial plant for energy thus displacing energy that was previously acquired from fossil fuel sources.  

Sustainable Development Goals

1 - No Poverty

22 people

with improved livelihoods

4 - Quality Education

At least 4 trainings

delivered to employees each year

7 - Affordable and Clean Energy

93,000 MWh

of electricity generated on average per year

13 - Climate Action

359,000 tonnes of CO2e  

reduced on average annually  


The project effectively reduces emissions by displacing energy that would otherwise be supplied to the industrial plant from the burning of fossil fuels. In addition, the implementation of an anaerobic biogas recovery system mitigates methane from entering the environment - thus reducing greenhouse gases in multiple ways. Finally, the projects create employment opportunities, through both the construction and operational phases of the plant boosting the local economy.

Project Information

Project Name
VCS2402 Linshu Biogas Recovery and Power Generation Project
Linshu county, Linyi city
Solution Type
Biogas recovery/Wastewater treatment/Sludge treatment
Project Partner
VPOWER New Energy Technology( Linyi) Ltd
Large scale
Sectoral Scope
Waste handling and disposal


In carbon credits, a "vintage" indicates the year a specific amount of CO2 (measured in tonnes) was successfully reduced or removed from the atmosphere.

1788.6 tCO2e